List of Minnesota trees
The List of Minnesota trees list all of the coniferous and broadleaf trees native to Minnesota.
Coniferous trees
- Pinaceae (pine family)
- Cupressaceae (cypress family)
Broadleaf trees
- Salicaceae (willow family)
- Juglandaceae (walnut family)
- Betulaceae (birch family)
- Fagaceae (beech family)
- Ulmaceae (elm family)
- Cannabaceae (hemp family)
- Moraceae (mulberry family)
- Rosaceae (rose family)
- Fabaceae (pea family)
- Sapindaceae (soapberry family)
- Malvaceae (mallow family)
- Oleaceae (olive family)
Invasive and introduced species
- Hippocastanaceae (Buckeye and Horsechestnut)